Sustainability At a Glance
Lonsum Total Plantation
91,760 hectares
82% is Palm Oil
nucleus and plasma
Workforce representation
88 % of our operational employees are registered with a union;12% are covered by company regulation

ISPO-certified production
85 % of total nucleus CPO produced in 2023

Labour conditions and safety
  • 100% elimination of Paraquat(Since March 2018)
  • SMK3 management system set up in 100% of sites
  • SMK3 certification in 55 sites Gold rating
Preventing deforestation
  • ZERO clearance of primary forest, degradation of HCV areas, new planting on peat regardless of depth, or burning.
  • 100% of sites have HCV Management and Rehabilitation Plans
Energy and water
  • 2% reduction of water intensity in mills (2020 baseline)/li>
  • 4% reduction in energy consumption intensity in mills (2020 baseline)
  • 99% of fuel used in mills from renewable sources

Fighting Deforestation

  • No primary forest clearance on our sites.
  • No degradation of High Conservation Value (HCV) areas.
  • High Carbon Stock (HCS) study completed at 11 estates.

Haze Prevention

  • We have trained fire control teams and fire specialists across all our plantations. Our estates are equipped with vehicles and equipment for firefighting. Our fire specialists are regularly trained in fire prevention and firefighting.
  • As of 2023, we have a total of 72 fire towers across all our estates.

Protecting People

  • 100% of our sites have now set up SMK3 (Sistem Manajemen Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja), the Indonesian OHS (Occupational Health and System) standard. 55 sites (47 in palm oil, 4 in rubber, and 4 in other crop operations) also achieved SMK3 Gold certification.
  • Strict compliance with minimum wage regulations, no operations or suppliers so far identified where collective bargaining or freedom from forced or child labour are at risk. No registered Lonsum worker is below age 18.
  • Seasonal workers' contracts respect government regulation.

Reducing Social Conflict

  • Smallholders benefit from technical and financial support of IndoAgri and the ISPO certification process is used to ensure no risk for human rights or Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC).
  • No Sustainable Agriculture Policy breaches relating to human rights in 2023.
  • Community needs of all sites based on Social Impact Assessment (SIA).

Peatland Management

  • Another year of no new planting on peatlands and water levels maintained in all peatlands under our control.

Sustainability Governance

  • Overall guidance on sustainability is led by the CEO in a think tank which comprises Executive Directors of the Group and principal subsidiaries.
  • In 2019, we began to align how our performance on material sustainability topics contributes to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Of all the 17 SDGs we have identified 15 of particular relevance to us, to which we can contribute through our Policy and programmes.