
In the last 12 months our records show that new planting was avoided and water levels were maintained in peatlands under our control.

For established plantations, our Sustainable Agriculture Policy aims to ensure the implementation of Best Management Practices for peat to manage and improve the ecological functions of peatland within and adjacent to our concessions.

Where our assets are ISPO-certified, peatland is protected, and we meet the requirements of the new Indonesian Government Regulation (no. 71/2014) that prohibits clearing new land for cultivation, cutting drainage channels that may dry out peat, intentionally burning peatlands and other activities that risk damage to peat.

During an HCV assessment we do on site work and then plan the monitoring and management required. Peat water measurement is part of the field work, along with signage, survey markings and species rehabilitation.

Our research team runs continuous water level monitoring in all of our estates. This includes peat subsidence measurement, GIS/GPS water level remote sensing, 3D flood risk modelling and water level forecasting. We have improved capture of overflow from roads for use as irrigation during drier periods; it also helps maintain the appropriate water depth depending on local circumstances.


During 2020, our analysis indicated an improved level of fire risk control on assets we manage. We delivered 3 fire control training days in 5 estate in 2020.

The way Lonsum controls fires is systematic and reliant on local engagement. We have trained fire control teams and fire specialists on standby across all our plantations. Our estates are equipped with vehicles and equipment for firefighting. Our fire specialists are regularly trained in fire prevention and firefighting. Training is done in collaboration with the Ministry of Environment and Forestry, the military, the police, and the local government.

We continued with the implementation of our community collaboration programs to build local capacity and knowledge to prevent fires. Since the launch of the program in 2016, we have engaged 38 local villages and in 2020, assisted in fire-fighting efforts at 26 villages.

Land Rights

Every land transaction in which Lonsum is involved complies with Indonesian law and company policy. We remain steadfast in our commitment to manage operations that respect the principles of Free Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC).

We continue our work to be a welcomed member of the community who actively engages with and listens to local stakeholders, while making a positive contribution.

During planting we aim to clarify land ownership and land rights. It makes good business sense to ensure that our process does not threaten supply resilience and ISPO certification process helps us to ensure that engagement, land rights and ownership are respected.

Also, community relations are part of HCV management, at the core of building trust and consent. Each HCV assessment and management team has a formal dialogue process with relevant stakeholders about HCV and land management.