Labour Standards

In 2019, no operations or suppliers were identified where collective bargaining, or freedom from forced or child labour, are at significant risk. Lonsum provides employment to over 42,000 people in Indonesia, where more than half of our employees are based in Sumatra and Kalimantan

Our commitment to responsible employment is found in IndoAgri's Sustainable Agriculture Policy. This, along with our Values, drives us to respect labour rights of all, to prohibit forced and child labour, to protect freedom of association and collective bargaining, and to promote diversity and equal employment, for example.

The well-being of our employees is crucial to our business productivity. Through our collaboration with local governments and hospitals, we provide free access to essential medical support, facilities and infrastructure for the people living on our estates.

We operated 92 clinics on our plantations in 2019.

Medical facilities. Clinics and first aid posts are provided on every estate for workers and their families. Community Health Centres ('Posyandu') are also available in the wider community for maternal and infant health care. We also operate or sponsor 84 Posyandu, supported by 113 midwives/nurses and 46 doctors.