Engaging With Our Stakeholders

In addition to our Sustainability Report 'Stakeholder Engagement' subsection, further information is provided below.

Our key stakeholder groups are employees, customers, investors, government and civil organisations, and local communities.

We connect, engage and collaborate with them to strengthen our mutual interests and establish common goals.

Stakeholders Issues Methods Outcome Frequency
Shareholders investor and bankers Transparency and disclosure of environmental and social performance information Meetings, surveys Updates via sustainability report and company presentation Regular meeting upon request
Customers and consumers Product safety and health For new customers: surveys, approach and product trials.
For existing customers: regular visit/ meeting, bakers forum, customer gathering, customer support line
Provide certification and nutrition information on product label.
A mutually beneficial customer relationship
Monthly regular visit, annual bakers forum
CPO Suppliers Product traceability, price, costs Surveys, audits, one-to-one meetings Collaboration on delivering Policy objectives on sustainable and traceable palm oil Annual socialisation and audit meetings
Local Suppliers Local business opportunities, lack of project management skills Technical assistance to local businesses on construction of civil projects Develop local community projects, e.g. mosques By project
Government and Regulators ISPO certification, local laws and regulation Public forums and regular meetings Comply with local and international regulations, taxes and levies Upon request, invitation
Non-Governmental Groups Biodiversity & rehabilitation, climate change, labour rights, good agricultural practices RSPO process meetings, other NGO meetings e.g IDH, local multi-stakeholders initiatives Social impact analysis, collaboration on Policy objectives and FPIC Upon request
Employees Employee development, working conditions and OHS Training sessions, dialogue with unions, grievance/whistle-blowing processes Invest in employee capability development and OHS programmes Biennial Collective Labour Agreement (CLA) renewal
Smallholders (FFB Supplier) Sustainable agricultural practices, yield, income Development of platforms and projects on socialisation, plasma assistants Provide technical support through training Scheduled project meetings
Local Community Customary rights, FPIC, infrastructure, local enterprise opportunity Regular feedback and awareness meetings, forums for grievance & resolution, other ad hoc engagements Contribution on education, medical facilities and infrastructure and donations Annual community development forum Per request subject to internal management evaluation