
The Company conducts its business activities responsibly, ethically and in compliance with prevailing rules and regulations in Indonesia. Lonsum’s Good Corporate Governance policies were developed in line with the Indonesian laws and regulations, the Company’s Articles of Association (AOA) and Good Corporate Governance (GCG) principles, which advocate transparency, accountability, responsibility, independency and fairness.

Corporate Governance Structure

Based on Law No. 40 Year 2007 regarding Limited Liability Company (“Company Laws”), the Company’s organs consist of the General Meeting of Shareholders (“GMS”), the Board of Commissioners (“BOC”) and the Board of Directors (“BOD”). They are assisted by the Committees and Corporate Secretary, and play an important role in the implementation of GCG. The Company’s organs are required to perform their functions based on prevailing regulations, the AOA and the GCG principles.

Committees Structure
In performing its oversight duties, the BOC is assisted by the following Committees:
  1. Audit Committee; and
  2. Nomination and Remuneration Committee.
Agus Rajani Panjaitan
Agus Rajani Panjaitan

Independent Commissioner

Mr. Agus Rajani Panjaitan, 63, an Indonesian citizen, was first and latest appointed as Independent Commissioner of the Company based on the resolution of the AGM in 2019 with the latest reappointment based on the resolution of the AGM in 2022. He also serves as a Chairman of Audit Committee and Nomination & Remuneration Committee of the Company for the second term based on the Decision Letter of the Board of Commissioners dated August 1, 2022. He currently serves as Senior Advisor of PT Anugra Capital (2003-present), Independent Commissioner as well as Chairman of Audit Committee of PT Timah Tbk (2020-present) and also member of Audit Committee of PT City Retail Development Tbk (2015-present) and PT TBS Energi Utama Tbk (2020-present). He was previously appointed as Independent Commissioner and Audit Committee chairman of SIMP (2013-2019), Independent Commissioner and Audit Committee member of ICBP (2010-2013), Independent Commissioner and Chairman of Audit Committee of PT Harum Energy Tbk (2010-2020), Independent Commissioneras well as Chairman of Audit Committee of PT Pakuan Tbk (2020-2021) and Audit Committee member of PT Alam Sutera Realty Tbk (2008-2012) as well as numbers of executive positions including Director of Risk Management in PT Bahana Pembinaan Usaha Indonesia (2000-2001) and Director of PT Bahana Securities (1996-1998).

Mr. Agus Rajani Panjaitan obtained a Bachelor’s degree in Accounting from Faculty of Economics, University of Indonesia in 1985.

In 2022, he participated in various training programmes, workshops and seminars, including “Indonesia’s Economic Outlook 2023” on December 7, 2022.

He has no affiliation with the members of the BOD, BOC and the substantial shareholder of the Company.

Goh Kian Chee
Goh Kian Chee

External Independent Professional

Mr. Goh Kian Chee, 69, a Singapore citizen, was appointed by the BOC as member of the AC in accordance with the Written Circular Resolution of the BOC dated August 1, 2022. He is serving his second period in the current AC term.

Currently, Mr. Goh Kian Chee is an Independent Director of HL Global Enterprises Ltd. and Indofood Agri Resources Ltd., all public listed companies in Singapore. Mr. Goh Kian Chee started his career as an Audit Trainee with Goldblatt & Co (London, UK). He joined American International Assurance Singapore Pte. Ltd. in 1981 as an Accounting Supervisor. In 1982, he became a Regional Internal Auditor in Mobil Oil Singapore Pte. Ltd. and rose to the position of Regional Credit and Insurance Manager in 1987. In 1990, he was seconded to Mobil Petrochemicals International Ltd., where he served as Regional Accounting Manager and later, as the Controller of the Asia Pacific region until 2000. Mr. Goh Kian Chee was the Regional Vice President & Controller as well as an Executive Director of John Hancock International Pte. Ltd. from 2000 to 2004. He was a Consultant in the National University of Singapore, Centre For the Arts (NUS) from 2005 to 2018.

Mr. Goh Kian Chee has a Bachelor of Arts (Hons) degree in Accounting and Economics from Middlesex University (London, UK).

Antonius Suwanto
Antonius Suwanto

External Independent Professional

Mr. Antonius Suwanto, 63, an Indonesian citizen, was appointed by the BOC as member of the AC as stated in the Written Circular Resolution of the BOC dated August 1, 2022. He is serving his third period in the current AC term, and is concurrently a Member of AC at SIMP (2016-2019). He joined several professional memberships such as the American Society for Microbiology since 1987; Indonesian Society for Microbiology since 1992; Malaysian Society for Molecular Biology and Biotechnology since 1993; AsiaPacific International Molecular Biology Network (A-IMBN) since 1998; Asian Fisheries Society since 2003; and Indonesian Academy of Sciences since 2013.

Mr. Antonius Suwanto has a Bachelor (Ir.), Cum Laude, in Agricultural Technology, Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia (1983); MS in Microbiology and Molecular Genetics, Univ. Illinois at Urbana Champaign, USA (1989); Ph.D in Microbiology and Molecular Genetics, Univ. Illinois at Urbana Champaign, USA (1992); Post Doctoral study in Bacterial Genetics, Department of Microbiology and Moleculars Genetics, UTHSC Houston, USA (1992); Post Doctoral study in Bacterial Genetics, Department of Microbiology, National University of Singapore (1995); Post Doctoral study in Molecular Genetics, Department of Microbiology and Moleculars Genetics, UTHSC-Houston, USA (1995; 1996; 1997); Post Doctoral study in Molecular Microbial Ecology, School of Biosciences, University of Wales, Cardiff, UK (1998).

Audit Committee
Chairman Agus Rajani Panjaitan
Independent Commissioner
Member Goh Kian Chee
External Independent Professional
Antonius Suwanto
External Independent Professional
Agus Rajani Panjaitan
Agus Rajani Panjaitan

Independent Commissioner

Mr. Agus Rajani Panjaitan, 63, an Indonesian citizen, was first and latest appointed as Independent Commissioner of the Company based on the resolution of the AGM in 2019 with the latest reappointment based on the resolution of the AGM in 2022. He also serves as a Chairman of Audit Committee and Nomination & Remuneration Committee of the Company for the second term based on the Decision Letter of the Board of Commissioners dated August 1, 2022. He currently serves as Senior Advisor of PT Anugra Capital (2003-present), Independent Commissioner as well as Chairman of Audit Committee of PT Timah Tbk (2020-present) and also member of Audit Committee of PT City Retail Development Tbk (2015-present) and PT TBS Energi Utama Tbk (2020-present). He was previously appointed as Independent Commissioner and Audit Committee chairman of SIMP (2013-2019), Independent Commissioner and Audit Committee member of ICBP (2010-2013), Independent Commissioner and Chairman of Audit Committee of PT Harum Energy Tbk (2010-2020), Independent Commissioneras well as Chairman of Audit Committee of PT Pakuan Tbk (2020-2021) and Audit Committee member of PT Alam Sutera Realty Tbk (2008-2012) as well as numbers of executive positions including Director of Risk Management in PT Bahana Pembinaan Usaha Indonesia (2000-2001) and Director of PT Bahana Securities (1996-1998).

Mr. Agus Rajani Panjaitan obtained a Bachelor’s degree in Accounting from Faculty of Economics, University of Indonesia in 1985.

In 2022, he participated in various training programmes, workshops and seminars, including “Indonesia’s Economic Outlook 2023” on December 7, 2022.

He has no affiliation with the members of the BOD, BOC and the substantial shareholder of the Company.

Moleonoto (Paulus Moleonoto)
Moleonoto (Paulus Moleonoto)


Mr. Paulus Moleonoto, 60, an Indonesian citizen, was first appointed as a President Commissioner based on the resolution of the AGM in 2015, and re-elected in 2016, 2019 with the latest reappointment based on the resolution of the AGM in 2022. Prior appointed as President Commissioner, he was first appointed as a Director of PT PP London Sumatra Indonesia Tbk (“Lonsum”) based on the resolution of the EGM in 2007 and re-elected as Director of Lonsum based on the resolution of the AGM in 2010, 2013, and also as Vice President Director I based on the resolution of AGM in 2014.

He concurrently serves as Commissioner of PT Indofood CBP Sukses Makmur Tbk (“ICBP”) (2009-present), Director of Indofood (2009-present), Executive Director and Head of Finance & Corporate Services of IndoAgri (2006-present) and Vice President Director of SIMP (2004-present). Before joining the Plantations Divisions of the Indofood Group as Chief Financial Officer, he held various management positions in the Salim Plantations Group (1990-2004). He began his career with Drs. Hans Kartikahadi & Co., a public accounting firm in Jakarta (1984-1990). He is a registered accountant in Indonesia.

Mr. Paulus Moleonoto obtained a Bachelor of Accountancy degree from the University of Tarumanagara, Jakarta, in 1987, and a Bachelor’s degree in Management, and a Master of Science degree in Administration and Business Policy from the University of Indonesia in 1990 and 2001 respectively. In 2022, he participated in various training programmes, workshops and seminars, including “ESG: Environmental, Social and Governance Essentials” on August 2, 2022 and “Indonesia’s Economic Outlook 2023” on August 8, 2022.

He has no affiliation with the members of the BOD, BOC but is affiliated to the substantial shareholder of the Company.

Melia Setiawati
Melia Setiawati

General Manager of Compensation, Benefit & HR Administration

Ms. Melia Setiawati, 51, an Indonesian citizen, is currently a member of the NRC, General Manager of Compensation, Benefit & HR Administration and concurrently an NRC member of INDF, ICBP and SIMP (2015-present). She was previously the HR Manager at PT Aspirasi Darma Nusa (2002-2004) and PT Bahana Dharma Utama (2000-2001), Senior Programmer at PT Inti Salim Corpora (1996-2000), and EDP Staff Member at PT Bank Central Asia Tbk (1992-1995).

She obtained a Diploma Degree in Information Technology from Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Indonesia in 1992, and a Bachelor’s degree in Information Technology from Sekolah Tinggi Sains dan Teknologi Indonesia in 1996. In 2022, she participated in several training programmes, workshops and seminars, including “Indonesia’s Economic Outlook 2023” and “Global Economic Outlook 2023”.

Nomination and Remuneration Committee
Chairman Agus Rajani Panjaitan
Independent Commissioner
Member Moleonoto (Paulus Moleonoto)
President Commissioner
Melia Setiawati
General Manager of Compensation, Benefit & HR Administration.
Corporate Secretary

Mr. Fajar Triadi has performed the role of Corporate Secretary since 31 March 2023 in accordance with the Decision Letter of the BOD dated 31 March 2023.

Endah R. Madnawidjaja
Endah R. Madnawidjaja

Corporate Secretary

Ms. Endah R. Madnawidjaja is based in Jakarta. She graduated in law, majoring in Economic Activities Law, from the University of Indonesia. Prior to joining the Company, she had been a Legal Consultant of Lubis, Ganie, Surowidjojo law firm (1995-2007). In 2022, she attended several training and seminars, including “Indonesia’s Economic Outlook 2023” and “Global Economic Outlook 2023”.

In 2022, the Corporate Secretary carried out the following activities and responsibilities:

  • Advised the BOD on compliance with prevailing regulations and ensured timely reporting to the capital market authorities in the form of public disclosure through the Integrated Electronic Reporting System for Issuers and Public Companies;
  • Communicated regularly with the capital market authorities on the Company’s corporate governance policies and corporate actions;
  • Administered and took minutes of the proceedings of the BOD and the BOC meetings;
  • Conducted the Company’s orientation programme for the incoming BOC and BOD members; and
  • Advised the BOD on the changes and developments of prevailing capital market regulations, and their implications to the Company.

Risk Management System

In the last few years, the Company has been operating in a VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, Ambiguous) environment due to various factors, such as unpredictable weather conditions, volatile commodity prices, fluctuating exchange rates, shifting consumer needs, economic uncertainties, security threats, international competition, disruptive technologies and market dynamics. Company is fully committed and continuously implements a comprehensive approach of managing risks across its operations. This enables the Company to be more proactive and prepared in dealing with and addressing the various challenges and uncertainties it faces in a tough and competitive business environment. At the same time, this has allowed the Company to promote and implement good corporate governance.

The Enterprise Risk Management (“ERM”) framework is one of the key success factors of the Company in managing its risk effectively. The framework coordinates the “Lines of Defense” across all operating and functional units that enables the Company to maintain vigilance and oversight of the operations for timely and accurate identification, assessment, mitigation, reporting and monitoring of risks that can have an adverse impact on the business drivers and the Company’s ability to achieve business results.