
We preserve areas of High Conservation Value (HCV) and High Carbon Stock (HCS) within our operations. Prior to any new planting we use the HCS Approach Toolkit which allows estates to quantify carbon stocks of assets and gauge FPIC in the community. We have conducted HCV assessment by acreeon all sites with resultant Rehabilitation Plans on 100% of sites. They are designed to enhance what is there, and principally cover riparian areas.

Paraquat phase out

We have eliminated the use of Paraquat from all operations since end of March 2018.

Innovation: yield
Whilst land is finite, and whilst we are working with an efficient and high-yielding crop, we are targeting better yields for commercial performance and to help deliver our Sustainable Agriculture Policy. The main focus areas are:
  • Crop health: fighting pests and diseases for productivity and waste minimisation.
  • Careful fertiliser dosages, precision agronomy.
  • Physical protection: using hydrology and ecology to promote beneficial plants, insects, and soil micro-fauna.
  • Our Smallholder Programme aims to minimise economic risks they face by helping to improve yields; growers understand that their participation in our Smallholder Certification Programme will provide improved productivity, less pressure on natural forests (and safer labour practices).
  • Yield maximisation advice and training on Good Agricultural Practices is provided on all plasma estates by specialist Plasma Assistants. Plasma and other smallholders are expected to meet the same quality criteria as nucleus estate suppliers.