Sustainability Agriculture Policy

Our Sustainable Agriculture Policy refers to important sustainability principles and standards, including ISPO.

Underpinning this policy are the following core commitments to ensure traceable and sustainably produced palm oil:
  • No deforestation, and conservation of High Conservation Value (HCV) and High Carbon Stock (HCS) areas
  • No new planting on peat regardless of depth
  • No burning for land clearing
  • Respect for Labour and Human Rights including Freedom of Association and non-discrimination
  • Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC).

The Policy applies to all SIMP Group palm oil operations, including our plasma smallholders and third party suppliers from whom we purchase crude palm oil (CPO) for our refineries.

CLICK HERE to download Sustainable Agriculture Policy

Code of Conduct

The Code of Conduct forms a guideline for the Board of Commissioners(BOC), Board of Directors (BOD), employees of the Company and its subsidiaries , as well as the Organ Support (“Organ Support”) in performing business ethics and the duties of the BOC, BOD, employees of (“Company Members”) and Organ Support.

The Code of Conduct comprises two policies on Company Business Ethics and Working Ethics of Employees and Organ Support. It applies to all the Company Members and Organ Support, and any violation shall be considered a breach of employment contract which may result in disciplinary actions. The Code of Conduct is communicated to the Members during the Company’s orientation briefings.

The policy on Company Business Ethics regulates the following:
  1. Compliance with laws and regulations,
  2. Relation with shareholders,
  3. Relation with the customers,
  4. Relation with business partners,
  5. Confidentiality of information,
  6. Corporate soial responsibility,
  7. Environmental conservation,
  8. Occupational health and safety, and
  9. Fair treatment.
The policy on Working Ethics of the Company Members and Organ Support regulates the following:
  1. Compliance with law and regulation,
  2. Abuse of power and violence,
  3. Protection and use of tangible and intangible assets,
  4. Health and safety,
  5. Other work outside the Company,
  6. Conflict of interest and transaction with related parties,
  7. Prohibited behavior or actions,
  8. Gratification,
  9. llegal drugs and alcoholic beverages/liquor,
  10. Gambling,
  11. Weapons,
  12. Misuse of communication and social media,
  13. Organizational/political relations,
  14. Insider trading,
  15. Family relation, and
  16. Whistleblowing system.