Where Material Impacts Occur

All of our key material topics affect both our internal and external stakeholders to varying degrees. The IndoAgri Board is an ‘Interest Group’ with relevance to all material topics.

Some impacts will be in the past, and our work is to identify the modern day risk and mitigate it, for example deforestation. Some impacts will be quantifiably uncertain, but a precautionary approach is adopted to mitigate the risk, for example child labour.

To manage and improve performance under the ten material topics identified, our sustainability Programmes seek to embed sustainability in our operations and our supply chains. For each material topic we have set targets. Management and performance are guided by our sustainability policies and commitments.

Material Topics relevant to Lonsum Palm Oil operations Where Impacts Occur (impacts can be positive or negative) Involvement with impacts (caused, contributed, or directly linked) Interest Groups (Lonsum Board plus...)
A. Protection of Forests, Peatlands and Biodiversity Growers in Indonesia: nucleus, plasma, ex-plasma, independent / third party
  • caused (in the past)
  • contributed to
  • directly linked with
  • International NGOs
  • governments
  • local communities
B. Fire Control and Haze Prevention Growers in Indonesia: nucleus, plasma, ex-plasma, independent / third party
  • caused (in the past)
  • contributed to
  • directly linked with
  • International NGOs
  • governments
  • local communities
C. Climate Change and GHG Emissions Plantations, mills (Lonsum and third parties); Lonsum transport, distribution.
  • directly linked with
  • Communities living in/around Lonsum estates, local government and NGOs
D. Water, Waste and Effluents Plantations, mills (Lonsum and third parties); Lonsum transport, distribution.
  • directly linked with
  • Communities living in/around Lonsum estates, local government and NGOs
E. Use of Fertiliser, Pesticides and Chemical Plantations, mills (Lonsum and third parties); Lonsum transport, distribution.
  • directly linked with
  • Communities living in/around Lonsum estates, local government and NGOs
F. Responsible Business Conduct All Lonsum-owned operations
  • directly linked with
  • Investors and NGOs
G. Community Rights and Relations Growers in Indonesia: nucleus, plasma, ex-plasma, independent / third party
  • caused (in the past)
  • contributed to
  • directly linked with
  • Local community; government and NGOs
H. Occupational Health and Safety Lonsum-owned plantations, seed stations, mills, transport, distribution
  • directly linked with
  • Employees of all types, local labour organisations and government
I. Smallholder Engagement and Livelihoods Small-scale growers in Indonesia: nucleus, plasma, ex-plasma, independent / third party
  • caused
  • contributed to
  • directly linked with
  • Smallholders, NGOs and local government
J. Supply Chain Traceability and Transparency Plantations, mills, (Lonsum and third parties)
  • directly linked with
  • Suppliers, customers, consumers, ISPO, accreditors, auditors
K. Sustainability Certification All Lonsum-owned operations
  • directly linked with
  • Investors and NGOs
L. Product Quality and Safety Mills (Lonsum and third parties); distribution channels
  • caused
  • contributed to
  • directly linked with
  • Suppliers and consumers
M. Yield Resilience and Innovation Growers in Indonesia: nucleus, plasma, ex-plasma, independent / third party
  • caused
  • contributed to
  • directly linked with
  • Investors, NGOs and government
N. Human, Child and Labour Rights Plantations, mills, refineries (Lonsum and third parties); Lonsum transport, distribution
  • caused
  • contributed to
  • directly linked with
  • NGOs and government
O. Pandemic Resilience Plantations, mills, refineries (Lonsum and third parties); Lonsum transport, distribution
  • caused
  • contributed to
  • directly linked with
  • NGOs and government